Wednesday 28 July 2010

Where it goes pear shaped for me


The honest truth is that I am far happier chucking a letter from HMRC (or a purchase receipt) into a BIG BOX marked "TBD". It all mounts up and what should take an hour a month ends up taking several days once per year.

It also goes pear shaped for me when I am actively involved (as a director or shareholder) in more than one company at the same time. Having several clients at once is fine, but if I am also doing software development work for a start-up (on a shareholder, work now, get paid later basis) I find it gets very messy. I need to account for my time investment and also any expenses I incur on behalf of the business.

Here are my new rules:

1) Ostriches are Forbidden: I will open and read every paper or e-mail communication on the day it is received (printing off e-mails which have an accounting implication). I now have two boxes:
  • Urgent Accounting Action
  • Accounting Action Before Month End
Anything that doesn't go in one of those two boxes is Filed Immediately. For example, if I get a letter from (say) a bank about "changes to my service" I will file it If I get a bill from (say) an Internet Service Provider I will put it in Accounting Action Before Month End (because I need to expense and / or rebill one or more companies). If I get a seriously threatening letter from (say) HMRC it will get Urgent Accounting Attention.


2) A Filing System will be Maintained: A corollary to the above is that I will put necessary and sufficient effort into maintaining a Filing System that will cope with every letter I receive (or e-mail I decide to print).


3) I will create a diary of reminders: I will create a diary of reminders about Key Accounting Dates (VAT Return Due, Corporation Tax Due, Annual Return Due etc). I will programme to e-mail me in advance of these Key Accounting Dates and nag me to death until I give in and do what I'm supposed to do (and validly switch off the nag).


Sunday 25 July 2010

Just Bought a Domain Name

I just bought (and the rest of the set). I'm thinking of creating a simple book-keeping system that the admin-adverse like me can use to record time and expenses and raise simple sales invoices. My idea is that accountants are given access to a back office view that they use to prepare UK statutory returns.

I hate administration but perversely I like creating administration systems. My gut feeling is if something works well for me there will be thousands of others who it would work well for too.